First of all, on behalf of everybody at and, can I wish you a Happy New Year! Just in case your heads aren’t pounding enough already I thought it would be good to baffle you all with a load of statistics from 2011.
Darren posted yesterday about how our database is even more up to date than the safety camera partnerships themselves and this is all down to you – the submitters!
In 2011 there were a total of 22,407 camera submissions; 15,377 of those were submitted using our iPhone/Android app, CamerAlert. Every single one is processed and reviewed to keep our database up to date with changes in speed, new camera set ups and the frequent moving around of temporary roadworks cameras. Last year saw 3,189 changes and additions to the speed camera database across 49 releases.
Each week we hand out free lifetime subscriptions for those users who are first to submit those qualifying cameras to our database. In 2011 we gave out 508 lifetime subscriptions – this is our way of saying “thanks” to those who help keep our database up to date.
While processing the daily submissions I often see comments about mobile sites like “Speed camera van catching cars heading south”. This puts an amusing image in my mind every time so the ever-wonderful Billy (who also drew the caricatures that feature in the weekly newsletter) got to work on our behalf. This is the final result:

MaFt, Mike, Darren, Rob & Lutz