We have just released CamerAlert for Android version 1.3.4 build 533 into the Android Market. It may take a little while before it becomes active, after which you should now be able to upgrade the application through Market and benefit from the new features and bug fixes we have implemented.
Changes for Android 533
added support for the Parrot Asteroid
Separate volume control for warnings in ‘Advanced Settings’
Stop location updates if not moved more then 20m in 10 minutes whilst not on the main screen
Changed the inactivity speed threshold
Allow CamerAlert to be controlled by car dock events
General code changes to improve reliability and speed
Fix where decimal point on KM was out by factor of 10.
Fix where preferences were not properly initialised.
Fix where there could be a crash if the database is empty when adding a camera.
Changed Redlights with unknown speed to be announced as Redlight, not “Redlight unknown speed”